The Algebra Man

Helping Students Get the 'A' in Algebra
-All Sessions are Online-
Who is The Algebra Man ?

The Algebra Man is a professional educator who gives students the tools they need to succeed in math, from 5th grade to college level.
The Algebra Man is a certified teacher, specialized in the specific subject area, and designs a learning environment that caters specifically to the learning style, strengths, and interests of the student. This environment provides a platform in which study habits and content knowledge are enhanced, leading to subject mastery.
Sessions are designed to achieve the highest possible degree of success in school through increased academic confidence. This is done though individually customized assessment and teaching methodology.

Different Students
Require Different
Approaches to Learning
Teaching requires an array of different teaching methods in order to deliver content in a way for a particular student to fully understand.
Methods focus on kinesthetic, audio, and visual modalities. Socratic method, interation, and broad digital media resources are utilized in order to deliver ideas in the best way possible based on a student's unique learning style.
Customized Attention

The path to student success requires a village, not just an individual.
Solid, simple communication is the best grantor of academic success. Through consistent communication, parents, teachers, and the community in general all contribute to the student's overall progress.
During each scheduled instructional session with the student, the tutor, as an added benefit, will routinely relay pertanent information about the current curriculum, what to expect in the upcoming academic week, and be on call as a professional guide before any project is due or assessment is administered.
The tutor, outside of student instructional sessions, will throughout the academic year be in touch with the parent and teacher so as to continuously update progress, expectations, and subject content.
How is the Learning Design accomplished?

Our service is specifically designed for the student, their learning style, and the subject content they are mastering.
The teaching model is 3-fold:
Aaron speaks with students as well as the parents/guardians to determine what goals are in place to achieve.
During each session content knowledge is systematically assessed and the learning environment refined to provide the best platform for concept retention.
Keeping in mind the educational needs of the student, district-wide research is routinely made to remain up-to-date on current and future curriculum and assessments.
Our Most Recent Scholars:

Featured Testimonials
" We have experienced several tutors and Aaron w/ Tutor By Design is by far the best. Not only is he capable in teaching in various way for students who learn differently, but he is very engaging and keeps my son interested. He also likes to have an open dialog w/ teachers when acceptable and since it takes a village this is by far an advantageous arrangement. "
—Allison H., Liberty Hill MS

" I am so fortunate Aaron is offering his tutoring services. My daughter has always loved math. She has been in AP Math since the 2nd grade. Last year the advanced math teacher was not into her job. My daughter is now in Pre-Algebra and she had a difficult start. Not only is Aaron professional, he has inspired my daughter's confidence! I would highly recommend Aaron as a tutor... "
—Stephanie G., Cedar Park HS

" We were having a hard time finding an instructor who specializes in teaching TAG students, particularly to teach the concepts before it starts in school. Luckily we found an instructor with all the qualifications we looked for. Aaron is awesome and works well with kids. He even helps kids on SAT preparation. Also he is very knowledgeable with Algebra material and other math concepts and great at explaining, he goes above and beyond to help our son in the subject matter. I highly recommend him for students of any age. "
-Suji & Carthi S., Walsh MS