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The Algebra Man
Helping Students Get the 'A' in Algebra
-All Sessions are Online-
​​2. Outside the Classroom: [Grades 5-11]
​[These options are provided separately from the regular subject tutoring offered above]
Option D:
It's Summertime...Time to Catch-Up and Get Ahead!
​$85 per session
[10% Discount]
Option E:
Standardized Test Prep:
​$85 per session
[10% Discount]
3. Adults Only!
​[These options are provided separately from the grade-school tutoring offered above]
Option F:
College Math and Test Prep:
[Including TSI, etc.]
​$95 per session
[$10 per-session discount for 8 sessions/month or more]
Option G:
Adult Professional Development and Test Prep:
[Including AFCQT, etc.]
$95 per session
[$10 per-session discount for 8 sessions/month or more]
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